Supernormal 2021 Dates announced
Next weekend would have been Supernormal’s tenth edition, and at this very moment the crew would be on our way to the halcyon realm of Braziers Park.
Against all adversity, we had hoped to be able to run some kind of event in 2020. Regardless of the shifting regulations on the legality of outdoor events, it became clear that there was no way we could run any kind of event safely and inclusively given the level of infection in the country.
Yet whilst we’re obviously extremely sad not to be spending next weekend with you, we are also very excited at what 2021 has in store. Scheduling has been difficult - hence the silence on our part - but we can at last confirm that next year’s festival will take place from 13-15 August, at Braziers Park.
It’s hard to be sure of very much in the immediate future, but you can be confident that none of the energies and ideas that went into this year’s lost festival have gone to waste. We’ll be channeling them into 2021 to make it the most spectacularly outré and transformative event we can possibly conjure up. We’ve made some thrilling bookings already, and we’ve only just begun on the road to fresh adventure anew.
Until we meet again, stay safe and stay weird.
Team Supernormal