Supernormal 2020 Update
Thanks for bearing with us whilst we come to some conclusions on where we stand with regard to this year’s festival. At Supernormal, we’ve always felt that we’re a festival with a duty to battle on against all or any adversity we come up against, but it’s become quite clear that the situation this year - which has essentially redefined the word ‘unprecedented’ - is going to prove a more formidable opponent than most.
By even the most optimistic estimates, social distancing policies are likely to remain in place until June. By mid-August, it may well be possible to run an event without ignoring government guidelines or endangering the health of visitors. But to bring Supernormal to life takes an astonishing amount of planning and a substantial financial commitment.
Pressing on with the festival in its usual format, in the knowledge that we may be prevented from going ahead at the last minute, is just too risky.
While Supernormal, as you have come to know it, can’t go ahead, we’ll do whatever we can to make something happen. If the situation improves as we head towards summer then we still hope to run an event at Braziers Park 14-16 August. What that might look like remains to be seen. We are not going to start making concrete plans until we are confident that an event can take place, but the wheels are already turning.
We count ourselves as extraordinarily lucky to have been able to make this decision now, before we’re in too deep. Our thoughts are with all our friends and allies whose losses have been far greater.
We’ll be back in touch soon. Until then, stay safe, stay weird, and stay at home!