2nd Ticket Release - Ticket Lottery
Thanks for bearing with us whilst we work out how to approach our second release of tickets for Supernormal 2022. We’re very sorry that so many people ended up frustrated by the first drop, and we’d like to sincerely apologise to everyone for the perfect storm of unexpected logistical challenges and unprecedented demand. We understand how keen everyone is to head back to Braziers Park after two years away.
What we have to reconcile ourselves with at this stage unfortunately is that the demand for Supernormal now outstrips what we can realistically hold in Braziers. What’s more, we’ve always considered the size of the festival, and its venue, to be central to making Supernormal the event that it is. We also don’t want to exclude either people who’ve been coming to the festival for years, or those who want to experience it for the first time.
At this stage we don’t want to set up another stressful race-to-the-finish like the last ticket drop. Technical issues aside, what we were left with in that case was a system mostly based on luck; as in whoever’s bank could process the transaction quickest, However, that is skewed against people buying multiple tickets (often families), and against anyone that might be less able to quickly navigate technology.
So if luck is the fairest part of the system, we figured it was more fair all round to make luck the only factor.
In short: we’re doing a ticket lottery to distribute the remaining tickets.
- There will be a form on the site that will allow you to register, and to specify how many tickets you want.
- We will then do random draws to pick winners.
- Each winner will be sent a link to a private portal that will enable them to buy (up to) the number of tickets they originally asked for.
- They will have 48 hours to complete the purchase, before the link expires
You’ll be able to register for the lottery from Tuesday 19th April.
The main draw will be at the start of May, with winners notified by Friday 6th.
There will most likely be a final release at the start of July, once we have final numbers of artists, volunteers and crew confirmed.
We hope you understand why we’ve decided that this is the best solution to the issue, and want to say thanks again for your patience on this.
We’ll also be announcing soon when and where you can apply to volunteer and submit your programme proposals to the open call. Both are right around the corner so watch this space.
Team Supernormal